100 Ways to Help Prevent a Utah Foreclosure
The idea of living frugally is one not easily embraced in our society. Everywhere we turn we are accosted with the latest and greatest thing we must have. It would appear this great recession we are finding ourselves in may be a direct result of our never-ending quest to accumulate beyond our needs.
If you are facing a Utah foreclosure, is it too late to start thinking about a more frugal lifestyle? I don’t believe it’s ever too late.
We all need to learn to become more pragmatic in our approach to the way we use our money. Being frugal is something we sometimes associate with the very poor. As I think back through the years I recall a number of people I’ve known who were rather well to do, and yet were very much of the frugal mindset. People who could easily afford anything they wanted yet acting as if they were minding their last dollar. Who hasn’t heard of Warren Buffett one of the world’s richest men, still living in the same small home he bought decades earlier?
The point is there is no shame in doing what you can to save and keep as much of your money as you can; apparently, many of the well-off have long figured this out. Whether or not you are facing a Utah foreclosure you will want to look at what I have to share today. You will appreciate this great resource, an article overflowing with the best tips to help you learn to save your bucks in a very practical manner.
What follows is a list of 100 more steps to take.Each of these tactics are simple little moves you can make to improve your financial situation. Some of them take just a few minutes, others might take an hour or two, some of them require a bit of regular effort, but they’re all incredibly simple – continue reading…
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Tagged with: Avoid Utah foreclosure • frugal living • Salt Lake City short sale help • save money • save my Utah home • Utah foreclosure help
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